“The other side of the story”

Esther 1:12 But when the attendants delivered the king’s command, Queen Vashti refused to come. Then the king become furious and burned with anger.

As I meditated from the book of Esther, something stuck in my mind. I saw that On the 7th day when King Xerxes was in high spirit, he asked his attendants to tell Queen Vashti to wear her crown and to display her beauty, for others to look at, for she was lovely to look at, but the Queen refused.

The King was furious and burned with anger. Had you thought about, why the Queen refused so, it is true in those times nobody refused the King’s order, and every woman respected and did as their husbands said since they were in the time of patriarchy. Not only that, refusing the King’s order means the end of everything. The men can have as many wives as they could. The queen didn’t even care about her position, which someone else replaced later on.

The Bible didn’t talk about, Queen Vashti any longer after this incident. Did anyone think about what Queen Vashti must be going through, to take this decision to refuse the King and give up everything? Was there anyone who was there for her, to listen to her, what she was going through? Did anyone think about, her side of the story?

My dear, I want to tell you today, to listen to the other side of the story as well. What you see in front of your eyes is not everything. You never know what someone is going through.

“Be a listening ear to someone, everyone needs someone to understand, their side of the story.”- Nei

 “He was an Angel Indeed”    

1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.                                                                                          

Yes! I met this wonderful friend, in my life Journey, who was different from others. I felt like he understood me even when I didn’t speak a word. He gave me space when I need…He just understand me from far, slowly and slowly I began to trust him. I had never known someone like him to exist, he was the only man to whom I can open up, I can talk about anything, he never judged me, and he just listened to me. I had no problem talking about my weakness to him. Because I knew he genuinely wants to understand me, and wants me to become a better me.

Doesn’t matter what it is, even when I didn’t understand myself, he look into my eyes and told me, it’s okay…he told me all my weaknesses were completely alright. He always helps me to think about what I am good at. He saw in me things nobody sees. He helped me to understand myself, love myself, and helped me want to grow more, to become a better version of myself. I think this is what God would want for all of us.

Even today, when I thought about him, I felt really blessed to meet him on this journey. Indeed he was an angel, sent by God, for a moment. He cross my life for a short while, but his impact was big on my life. He makes me a better person. My dear today be an angel to someone and build others around you. You never knew what impact you can make in someone’s life.

“Be someone’s angel, send by God…to build others up.”- Nei

 “The miniature of Heaven.”

Revelation 7:9 After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands.

It was on 3rd July 2021, Indian Christian day, I make up my mind to spent my time in prayer, and as I checked my what’s aap messages I saw an International zoom meeting organised by the “ONE WITH CHRIST” group. So I decided to participate in it.

The meeting began from 6:30 pm Indian Standard Time, as the meeting starts I came to know that Angela and I were the youngest members of the prayer band. All were introduced, and in the process of our prayer what I can see is that, age group really doesn’t matter for God, because all age groups old, adult, youth all are together, sharing their burdens for the kingdom of God.

We could enjoy the miniature of God’s kingdom in this short hours of prayer, as all people from different nations (Italy, Argentina, Belgium, England, India, Africa, etc.) comes together, with one heart and one spirit no matter where we are, what languages we spoke, where we come from, which age group we belong, which Job we had, this time we all are equal, we all are just children of God.

Everyone shared their testimonies and we all are blessed, encouraging one another. I never had known the majority of these people in this Zoom meeting but, it feels like they are my extended family, and this Bible verse came so alive, after this, I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes, people and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. Even in the meets of difficult circumstances people are going through due to Covid 19, we could still experience a miniature of Heaven here on earth, and I am just amazed at what would be like when we experience the Kingdom of God fully

Dear, I want to let you know today, even if it hurts so bad, even all you see is evil everywhere you turn. Even if you prayed Lord thy kingdom come, once again lift up your eyes open your Spiritual  eyes and see around you…you will be able to see the miniature of God’s kingdom present in our meets.

“The truth is the miniature of God’s kingdom is among us, we need to open our spiritual eyes to see it clearly.”- Nei

  “Your life is not yours”

1 Corinthians 6:20 For you were brought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

13th July 2021. It was last week 30 year old Christian lady suicide in Delhi, nobody knew the reason. I felt so bad, thinking what if someone was there for her, what if I were the one who was there for her, what if I’m a counselor, maybe I’ll be able to make a difference. Again another sad suicide news came, one of my friends from Nagaland who was brought up in a happy Christian family, lost her younger brother who was a worship leader so delighted and had good terms will all his friends. As I spoke to my friend, I can emphasize the pain they must be going through.

I really wish everyone knows, that Satan is becoming so clever, more than our bodies he targets our hearts, minds, and emotions and makes it his battlefield. Many of our minds and hearts are paralyzed we are already dead even when our body is doing fine not even remembering this life is not ours. We cannot really understand what someone is going through by their outward appearance.

My dear, I don’t know what you are going through today, but remember the Bible says if anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him/her. For God’s temple is holy and you are that temple. The Bible also says for you are bought with a price. This shows this life is not ours, God gave us this life to take care of and live according to His will, be mindful of it one day He’ll claim for it.

“You are the temple of God, and the truth is God lives in His temple, so even when it hurts like Hell, remember He is right there for you.”- Nei

 “Delayed Answers from God”

John 11:4 This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.

There are times in our lives when the answers to our prayers are being delayed. After giving a deep thought about it, there comes a day, when God taught me about it. It makes me think what if God had given me the answer right away, will I be able to handle and accept it? No.

Most of the time when God delayed the answers to our prayers, He is preparing us, shaping us, and molding us for the appointed time. Because He knew He is going to answer your prayer in the way you didn’t expect, it will hurt and break you down. So He saw it first and delayed it, giving you time and nurturing you to be a stronger and understanding you in Christ.

When God answers you at the right time, it might hurt you but remember He will also give you the strength to overcome it. It won’t lead you to your destruction, because it is His way of protecting you from something harmful for you in the future. Just trust Him and let His will be fulfilled in your lives, even if it hurts. 

So today, I just want to tell you, that if God delayed the answers to your prayers, just be patient and ask Him to prepare you so that you will be able to handle the answers to your prayers in His timing.

“If God didn’t give you what you want, don’t be sad, it’s His way of protecting you.”-Nei