“Speak What is in Your Heart”

Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Wish I can tell, what is in my heart. Things that I’m grateful for, and things that I really felt…it is funny to say, I can’t express not even 30% 0f what I really felt. I so want to, but I can’t help. This is me.

There are people whom I really want to thank for having greatly impacted my life in one way or the other. There are people whom I really want to appreciate for the sacrifices they had make for me. There are people whom I really respect for what they had done. But, I had never said in person how I really felt about all they did, never did I appreciate them in person.

Today I thought about it, what difference would it make had I spoken what is in my heart, not corrupting talks like the Bible says but, speaking what I really felt for building others, as it fits the occasion, that may give grace to those who hear. Many of us did the same like me keeping with us, words that we really wanted to speak, even though we knew, it fits the occasion. Dear today, I just want to encourage you, to speak what is in your heart, but no corrupting talk.

“Dare to speak what you really felt in your heart, but be careful! no corrupting talk.”-Nei

Loving Right

Psalm 136:2 Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever.

Human love is imperfect, it doesn’t matter how much in love we are, at one point in life this love can be gone. These feelings don’t remain the same, people who marry the person he/she love the most do regret it at one point in life. Feelings change, people change, and nothing in this life remains the same.

However, there is the Love of God which is the only perfect love and He alone loves best and love right. Only God’s love is perfect and unchanging, the way HE loves Adam and Eve is the same way, He loves you and me, His love can never be distorted, His name is Love.

My dear even if the people you love make promises to love you till the end of life, remember the love of this world is imperfect. But we can learn to love the people around us right, because loving right is true love, confronting when necessary, encouraging when necessary, and listening to them when necessary, this is the way God loves us.

Human love last till death does us part, but God’s love is beyond that, as the Bible says His Love endures forever.

“Not just the fairy-tale promises of love but loving right is what every relationship needs.”- Nei