“Delayed Answers from God”

John 11:4 This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.

There are times in our lives when the answers to our prayers are being delayed. After giving a deep thought about it, there comes a day, when God taught me about it. It makes me think what if God had given me the answer right away, will I be able to handle and accept it? No.

Most of the time when God delayed the answers to our prayers, He is preparing us, shaping us, and molding us for the appointed time. Because He knew He is going to answer your prayer in the way you didn’t expect, it will hurt and break you down. So He saw it first and delayed it, giving you time and nurturing you to be a stronger and understanding you in Christ.

When God answers you at the right time, it might hurt you but remember He will also give you the strength to overcome it. It won’t lead you to your destruction, because it is His way of protecting you from something harmful for you in the future. Just trust Him and let His will be fulfilled in your lives, even if it hurts. 

So today, I just want to tell you, that if God delayed the answers to your prayers, just be patient and ask Him to prepare you so that you will be able to handle the answers to your prayers in His timing.

“If God didn’t give you what you want, don’t be sad, it’s His way of protecting you.”-Nei

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