What is Your Resolution?

Proverbs 21:5 The plans of diligence lead surely to abundance.

It was my 2019 New Year resolution, to fast and pray for 3 days in a week Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. Wednesday I prayed for relationships, Friday for the spiritual life of my family, and Sunday Thanksgiving day counting every blessing He has showered upon me.

My main aim in 2019 was to grow more in Christ, to have a close relationship with Him, to Love Him more, to experience him more. My resolution was all about God. When I look back at it now, this resolution was the best New Year resolution I have ever made.

The resolution was easy, but the hard thing is to stick on to these resolutions, every Wednesday and Friday “Abba Father Prayer Meeting” was a fasting prayer for me, Sundays are fasting thanksgiving days, being in a hostel when you have fun and foodie friends like you, taking 3 days fasting was not an easy task.

But, when I look back today, I understand my prayers those days were not in vain, it was those days I am closer to God, I experienced Him more than any other day, I was happy in my Spirit, some prayers I got the answer instantly, some after few years, some God didn’t answer me yet I know my prayers are safe in God’s hands.

Dear, in this New Year, make a diligent resolution that will be worth it, someday. May this New Year lead you to abundance in life.

Remember to give a deep thought to your New Year Resolution, make a satisfying resolution, it matters.”- Nei

“He is the God who transforms”

Romans 12:2 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

It was on 31/1/20 Dr. Darell Whiteman, share the word of God in mission emphasis on day one. This sentence from him struck my heart “God send Jesus to incarnate in Jewish family under Romans rule in the same way Jesus send us to incarnate in every day of our lives, to whom we meet with.”

This bible verse comes so alive speaking to me… let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. As long as we are not transformed by God, by changing the way we think how much ever we try to do what is good, we cannot. Because the transformation in us will help us to think, see and understand as Jesus did, which will, in turn, help us to do the will of God in our lives to everyone we meet in our lives.

Without this transformation all our efforts to do good will be in vain…this transformation is the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, which is the work of God alone, we cannot do it ourselves in spite of how much we try to do good in our own effort. Dear today take your time in your busy schedule and invite the Holy Spirit to transform you so that you will get rid of your ego, pride, stubbornness, jealousy, hate, etc. And make room for the Holy Spirit to take control of you and be transformed.

“Trying our best to do good will not work, but being transformed by Holy Spirit will only help in the long run.”- Nei

“The God Who Speaks”

John 10:27-28 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.

People sometimes ask me. How did you know when God speaks to you? I just know it, you will know when you experience it. Indeed it is true God speaks, there are no specific ways He speaks, because He is God and He can speak to us in different ways, we saw in the Bible He speak to His people through prophets, vision, dreams, natures, etc. Moreover in today’s world when we have Bible the word of God in our Hands we can just read it, what He has for us.

One incident I was so sure of God spoken to me was, back in 2020 before Covid hit India and I was in the college campus, for days I had noticed a very good friend being disturbed and was so sad, I want to encourage Him but never had an opportunity, so I had a Prayer for him at night asking God, please help Him he is so much in pain, and there is nothing I can do for him, Lord if it is your will please give me an opportunity to speak to him.

To my surprise! The next day, after breakfast, as I walk out from the dining hall, from nowhere he just came out in front of me, we meet and there was nobody there just the two of us, he said you had breakfast? I said yes, and suddenly I remembered the prayer I had prayed for him last night, so I realized it is God’s answer to my prayer, and it is He who gave me this opportunity, so I ask him how are you? He answer I am fine, I said don’t lie it is good to tell I am not okay when you are not… He said I am trying to be okay… I told Him it’s okay it happens sometimes, even I was going through a hard time last month, but I am fine now, don’t worry all these things will pass, you will be okay. We had small talk, but later I can see Him smiling once again, and recovered slowly.

There are many more incidents, where God spoke to me… my dear, try listening to Him today what he wants to say to you using not only your ears but your eyes, ears, heart everything in you,  I bet you will know, it is Him speaking to you, but it should be according to the word of God. Don’t believe every word you hear Satan do speak.

“When God speaks to you, you’ll know that, you’ll know that, you’ll know it is HE who speak to You.” – Nei

“To Whom Will Your Soul Run?”

Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, and a very present help in trouble.                                                                                                              

IN THE INFORMATION AGE, there is no shortage of perspectives. Newscasts, blogs, radio, movies, television, newspapers, and opinion polls constantly assail you with how you should feel and think about all kinds of issues. From morning till you go to bed.

I love the reminder of God’s word about how we aren’t to be anxious about ANYTHING, don’t you dear friend? More than anyone in the scripture, David talks about God being our refuge. Psalm 46:1 is a strong biblical passage that reminds us that even in the face of adverse situations God is our refuge and strength. Prior to that, God Himself makes the idea of refuge important by having Moses establish “cities of refuge. What is this thing called refuge?

Denielle Bernock define refuge as:

  • Shelter or protection from danger, trouble, etc.
  • A place of shelter, protection , or safety
  • Anything to which one has recourse for aid, relief, or escape

Here you can see that, why? God, Himself makes the idea of refuge important. It is because He is well aware that we human beings are fragile and we cannot make it on our own, as we are surrounded by uncertainties of life, problems, pains, sorrows, sufferings, despair, anxieties, confusions are inevitable parts of our lives, and we need refuge. When we are toss and turn by the facts of this life we can only have satisfaction and the peace that surpasses all understanding, running to Him alone.

Sometimes, your heart is weight down by looking at the circumstances you are in, scattered words and empty thoughts pour out from your heart, and your heart will seem numb, things you held so dear, you are asked to let it go, you have never felt so torn before, and you don’t know where to start, TO WHOM WILL YOUR SOUL RUN? For refuge.

The one place you can go to is in His arms, you can throw to Him your feeble prayers, In brokenness, in spite of all the questions, you can still give your life to Him, even if it doesn’t turn out like you think it should, always remember His ways are higher than Yours. You will be able to see this was of His will for your life, as Jeremiah 29:11 says, “for I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord “ plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and future.” And running to Him will satisfy your soul and you will feel fulfilled because you know that He is empathizing with you.

The sufferings and pains of Covid 19 and lockdown might get over soon, but my dear, I wanna tell you, this is not the end, there will come more pains and sufferings as the Bible said so ( Matt. 24:3-14; II Tim. 3: 1-5). It is the plan of God and it is natural when you overcome one mountain there will be another higher mountain, it won’t end! As long as you live. But what is important here is TO WHOM WILL YOUR SOUL RUN? Always remember where there is no peace on this earth there is peace in Christ.

If you are submerged in pain, sorrow, despair, anxiety, confusion, etc, in this season of your life, maybe you need to give your soul a good talking to. What will you say? Where will you turn when the world seems to crumble around you? Don’t let your thought run wild, Watch! You are not alone in this; Follow David’s lead and RUN TO GOD, who want to be your refuge and strong tower.

“Making God our refuge in times of trouble is the best thing a human could ever do.”- Nei

“The Perfect Creator”

Nehemiah 9:6 You alone are the Lord. You have made the heavens, the heaven of heavens with all their host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to all of them and the heavenly host bows down before you.                 

As I travel back alone from Manipur to Delhi, seated in the window side of the plane, I could see the clouds and the vast sky which my human mind couldn’t comprehend. This thought came into my mind…

“The wonderful work of God’s art. The universe, the sun, the moon, and the stars all these heavenly bodies set in their place. The layers of the atmosphere, Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, and Exosphere are well set by God. And the earth is covered with an envelope of Air, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbohydrates, Argon, Neon, Xenon, Hydrogen, Helium, Krypton, kept in the perfect amounts, and the earth with different layers of Crust, Mantle, Outer core, and Inner Core. His special art, male and female, the animals of all kinds, birds of all kinds, trees of all kinds, and the Blue whale to the smallest organisms.”

I can see the perfect God, as perfect as we can see in His art. He is just perfect, no being could ever imagine. So my dear let’s stop by today in our busy schedule in this Journey and try to know Him more, as we see His perfect art, as the Perfect Creator.

“There is no one perfect in this world, God alone is perfect, manifested in His Creation.” –Nei