“Covering in prayer”

Job 1:5 And when the days of the feast had run their course, Job would send and consecrate them, and he would raise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, “It may be that my children have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts.” Thus Job did continually.

As we see in the Bible Job would raise early in the morning and cover his children in prayer, because he thought maybe his children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts. This scripture portion struck me hard and I realized the importance and power of covering my dear ones in prayer every morning. Though we are miles apart.

In today’s world when we are exposed to different things, from the time we wake up till we go to bed, it is easier to sin, knowingly or unknowingly. We as Christians want to do good at all times, but sometimes we fall into temptation and sin against God. It is the same for all, children, adult, and old age all have their own share of temptation.

So my dear, today I just want to encourage us to take up this responsibility of covering our dear ones with our prayer, every morning. Job as a father covers his children every morning in prayer, maybe your father or mother might not be in that position to take up this responsibility, but that is not what is important, the thing is you and I can take up this responsibility, coming in the gap between God and our dear ones and covering them in our prayers every morning. As each day has new challenges.

“Covering in prayer, makes us rest assured that our dear ones walk according to God’s will.”- Nei

“Speak What is in Your Heart”

Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Wish I can tell, what is in my heart. Things that I’m grateful for, and things that I really felt…it is funny to say, I can’t express not even 30% 0f what I really felt. I so want to, but I can’t help. This is me.

There are people whom I really want to thank for having greatly impacted my life in one way or the other. There are people whom I really want to appreciate for the sacrifices they had make for me. There are people whom I really respect for what they had done. But, I had never said in person how I really felt about all they did, never did I appreciate them in person.

Today I thought about it, what difference would it make had I spoken what is in my heart, not corrupting talks like the Bible says but, speaking what I really felt for building others, as it fits the occasion, that may give grace to those who hear. Many of us did the same like me keeping with us, words that we really wanted to speak, even though we knew, it fits the occasion. Dear today, I just want to encourage you, to speak what is in your heart, but no corrupting talk.

“Dare to speak what you really felt in your heart, but be careful! no corrupting talk.”-Nei

Loving Right

Psalm 136:2 Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever.

Human love is imperfect, it doesn’t matter how much in love we are, at one point in life this love can be gone. These feelings don’t remain the same, people who marry the person he/she love the most do regret it at one point in life. Feelings change, people change, and nothing in this life remains the same.

However, there is the Love of God which is the only perfect love and He alone loves best and love right. Only God’s love is perfect and unchanging, the way HE loves Adam and Eve is the same way, He loves you and me, His love can never be distorted, His name is Love.

My dear even if the people you love make promises to love you till the end of life, remember the love of this world is imperfect. But we can learn to love the people around us right, because loving right is true love, confronting when necessary, encouraging when necessary, and listening to them when necessary, this is the way God loves us.

Human love last till death does us part, but God’s love is beyond that, as the Bible says His Love endures forever.

“Not just the fairy-tale promises of love but loving right is what every relationship needs.”- Nei

“Everything is His”

Psalm 24:1 The earth is the LORD’s and everything in it, the world and all who live in it.

Looking at the things happening around this world, failed relationships, broken homes, broken Churches, purposeless life, etc. God taught me something which is so important as a believer, understanding the depth of this can change everything. So I am going to share this precious thing.

When you feel that, you owned it, the truth is you believed it is yours and you want to control it and are possessive about it. Moreover demands respect from it because you paid the price. But, everything changed when you know and realize that it is from God, and it is His. Then, you didn’t demand respect, but, you yourself automatically give respect. Because you know the owner and it is His precious gift to you, to protect it and take care of it. Not only that to respect it as well.

My dear, take a moment and look at it, nothing in this world is yours. Your mother, father, wife, husband, son, daughter, boyfriend, girlfriend, church, properties, land, and all natures. Remember it is His alone, all require respect because it is His. As the word of God clearly says ‘The earth is the LORD’s and everything in it, the world and all who live in it.

“You want to control it when you think it is yours, but you respect it when you know and understand it is His.”- Nei

“Human’s biggest asset”

Philippians 4:8 Whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.

Do you ever think, what is the biggest asset, God has given humans? Pondering it, I came to the conclusion that, it is the human mind. The ability to think and comprehend. There is no limit to what you can think, no boundaries, and no power on earth can stop you from thinking. The wonderful thing is that God did justice to all of us, as He created all of us with this ability to think. In a world where we are denied freedom in all fields of life. You can have your true freedom in the sphere of your thinking.

The more you think, the more likely you are to achieve, as the saying goes ‘You become what you think. It is your thinking that shapes you, and human thinking patterns differ from one another, depending on the environment he or she is brought up in and the exposure he or she had made. Which makes us unique.

My dear, the truth is, this asset come with trust. It is true there is no limit to this asset, we have the freedom to think, but, the Bible warned us about what we can think ‘ whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things. He trusted us with this asset because He knew we could take control of our thoughts, through Him who gives us strength.

“With the biggest asset, you are given the biggest trust and responsibility.”- Nei

 “But why?”

John 11:35 Jesus wept.

Most Christians learned it by heart and knew that this is the shortest verse in the whole Bible. As short as it might seem, the meaning behind His weeping is a deep one. Did I ask myself why?

This incident happened when John died and Jesus was four days late. Bust Jesus knew that He can raise him, and he will be alive, after knowing all those things he is going to do, why did Jesus weep? I am not certain about the reason why Jesus wept. This incident proved to me He is 100% God and 100% human.

We can see that though He knew He can raise John as God, at the same time He also felt the pain of separation from dear ones. He was empathizing with John’s dear ones (Mary, Martha, etc). He also sees you and me on that day already and knew death was an inevitable part of human life and all will go through this pang of separation from our dear ones. He was there that day and He can raise John, but you and I cannot raise physically again after death so this makes Him wept.

So, to raise you and me after death, to be with Him, He endured it till the end on the cross. And He goes through the pang of separation from His Father. So that you and I can be with Him. He goes through this pang of separation from His Father, so He understands the pang one goes through by death. My dear, I just want to let you know today that you can be 100% sure that He can empathize with us. No matter what you go through, even if it is a pang of death.

“The word of God, how short it might seem’ is embedded with a deep meaning, handle it with reverence.”- Nei

  “ Call to be different”

1 John 2:5-6 This is how we know we are in Him: Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did.

It was 26th June 2021, a night of Evangelistic week organized by KWS Delhi, as the speaker spoke about how we have to follow Christ and read different scriptures here and there, my younger brother and elder sister were with me attending the church on Zoom platform both of them raised a question: How we are going to live in this world exactly as the Bible says? It is not possible, for this… there needs to be a different world where only Christians should live according to the Bible, or else it is not possible.

Listening to their comments a thought came into my mind, if it is impossible for us to live in a different way, will not God create a different world, but He didn’t do so, why? The answer is if we are in different world what about the others…we became Christian and follow Jesus through someone who left his/her place and share the word of God to our fore-fathers and once we know the truth we are given the opportunity and responsibility to share it to others, who didn’t see this truth yet. To live out our faith in this world. Indeed following Christ is not an easy task and the road is narrow, it takes us to carry our cross every day. But, the good news is that it is not impossible, had this been impossible, God might have arranged other means. But He didn’t do it because He knew we could do it, not in our strength, but we can do it all through Him who gave us strength.

It is a challenging one to live in this world being different from others, live in this world but not of the world, we need to dare to be different even if we look like we are a fool in the eyes of this world because we are called by God to be different. So that people around will see Christ in you and He will be glorified. Dear, if we walk as Jesus did, this is how the world will see and know that we are in Him.

“Living a different life in this world is indeed possible, but only for those who dare and through HIM alone.” – Nei

“If You didn’t get anything you Asked.”

Romans 8:32 He who did not spare his own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also with Him graciously gave us all things.

Since childhood, I can tell you with pride, I never get what I wanted. But now I realized had God gave me all that I asked, where will I be? What will I be doing by now? Will I be happy? Will I be satisfied? The answer is I didn’t think so.

My heart is full of gratitude towards God for not giving me all that I asked. He didn’t gave me all that I want instead He gave me all that I need. Yes, if He didn’t even spare His Son but gave up for us all, how will He not also with Him graciously gave us all things. The truth is God is ready to give us all we ask but He didn’t gave us sometimes because the thing we want or ask from Him will do us no good. He actually filter everything we ask and gave us only those things which will build us, not those which will harm us.

With our human mind we like what we see in our eyes, but we cannot see what harm can that bring to us. We only see up to what the vision of our eyes can see, but the truth is God sees beyond. And He sees what can be the outcome of, what we keep on asking. He is our Father so He won’t gave us things which we keep on asking but which will only destroyed us, as we are His children, He love us more than our earthly father’s do.

Dear, just take a few moment and reflect it, what will happened had God given you all that you asked? Thank God with me for not giving all that you asked but all that is building you up or is bringing closer to Him.

“Don’t be sad if God didn’t give you what you want/asked, it is His way of protecting you.”- Nei                                                               

“You are not Alone”

Joshua 1:9“This is my command–be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9 NLT)

It was 0n 11/ 7/22, I traveled abroad for the first time ever in my life, to the USA. It was an excellent experience I had layovers in two places Amsterdam and Minneapolis, the international flights were huge and the air hostesses were my Mom’s age. It was funny though. This is not the end.

It was in Minneapolis the US Border Security Police hold me, in the detention center for about two hours, as I happened to travel 14 days earlier before the said time. I came to know this after I booked my ticket that with F1 Visa one can go into the USA only 30 days before class starts, and I cannot reschedule it for some reason, I was prepared that something going to happen, as they interrogate me, take away my phone and check all my luggage, I was not scared at the moment. But as the time keeps on ticking, it seems that I am going to miss my flight from Minneapolis to Oklahoma. It makes me worried, what if! I really missed my flight in an unknown land. A small voice within me reminded me, that I am not alone, this verse which Rev. Hencha Doungel read me before leaving India reflect in my mind, and reminded me that God is with me where ever I go, and He is right there present with me, I am not alone. This gave me peace that surpasses all human understanding.

It was 6:00 pm pass when they released me, I should have missed my flight, but God in His grace delayed my flight for 7:00 pm, I was in waiting but some good souls volunteer to stay back, which makes a way for me to reach safely to my destination. My dear, I just want to remind you today that You are not alone, “For the Lord, your God is with you where ever you go. He will make a way.

“The fact of knowing the truth that you are not alone makes you strong and courageous”- Nei

“speak what is in your heart”

Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Wish I can tell, what is in my heart. Things that I’m grateful for, and things that I really felt…it is funny to say, I can’t express not even 30% 0f what I really felt. I so want to, but I can’t help. This is me.

There are people whom I really want to thank for having significantly impacted my life one way or the other. There are people I really want to appreciate for the sacrifices they made for me. There are people whom I really respect for what they had done. But, I had never said in person how I really felt about all they did, never did I appreciate them in person.

Today I thought about it, what difference would it make had I spoken what is in my heart, not corrupting talks like the Bible says but, speaking what I really felt for building up others, as fits the occasion, that may give grace to those who hear. Many of us did the same as me keeping with us, words which we really wanted to speak, even though we knew, it fits the occasion. Dear today, I just want to encourage you, to say what is in your heart, but no corrupting talk.

“Dare to speak what you really felt in your heart, but be careful! no corrupting talk.”-Nei